OMG, He Did WHAT?!

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Oregon State Beavers dismissed offensive lineman Tyler Patrick Thomas after a crazy turn of events. According to the Sporting News, here's what happened:

The 19-year-old had been drinking early Sunday, when he turned up naked in a Corvallis, Ore., woman’s home then resisted arrest when police arrived. When police ordered Thomas to get down on the floor he assumed a three-point football stance and lunged at the officers. Police then used a Taser to bring Thomas down.

*Cues Price Is Right Loser Horn*

Thomas faces charges of first-degree criminal trespass, second-degree criminal mischief and resisting arrest. It doesn't help that he was cited for being a minor in possession of alcohol earlier this year.

I'm not a doctor but I would imagine that this isn't just the alcohol making him do this. The Barrett Robbins story comes to mind when I heard this story. If he is diagnosed with any mental condition, I hope he gets the help he needs. But you have to admit, when you read the 3-point stance, you giggled.... just a little bit. No??? Okay, well I did. I hope dude stops drinking... and if need be, seek additional help. Cause this isn't how you succeed in life. Not to mention it's kind of laughable and embarrassing.

Comments (3)

I can't stand when inappropriate behavior is HILARIOUS!! LMBOOOOOOOOOOOOO *sorry*

this is sad and hilarious! Why can't ppl who have opportunity to be successful just capitalize on it n stead of screwing it up. so sad! lol

I giggled! Couldn't help it! He needs to be evaluated by professionals.

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