Victoria's Secret Doesn't Love The NFL Chick

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When I originally heard about Victoria's Secret's new NFL line, I was excited! I love Vicki's Secret and I love the NFL, so it's the perfect combination for a girly girl that loves the gridiron, like myself (after all, I AM a Gridiron Gal *wink*). But after looking into the line a little more, I realized that only a selected amount of teams have been picked. The list is, as follows:

Denver Broncos
Chicago Bears
Dallas Cowboys
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
New York Giants
New York Jets
Oakland Raiders
Philadelphia Eagles
Pittsburgh Steelers
San Diego Chargers
Washington Redskins
Carolina Panthers

So of course, I looked at this list with a confused look on my face


Where are my Baltimore Ravens??? Where are the New Orleans Saints??? And I can't believe I'm even asking this... but where are the Indianapolis Colts?
As a regular VS shopper, I feel slighted! And my GGal counterpart, Pigskin Loving Lady feels the same about her Bills not being listed as well. The San Diego Chargers?? The Carolina Panthers??? REALLY?! With the exception of the Cowboys, Redskins and Steelers, I can make a case as to why my team should be listed over the rest of these teams.

I get it. It's about the apparel sales, which ties these teams into being listed. But let's be honest, there are only 32 teams. It's the NFL. I'm having a hard time believing that all 32 teams wouldn't sell their products in their respected markets. The NFL within itself means


The line goes on sale August 10th. For obvious reasons, I won't be buying it. And if I seem to be a bit bitter about it, maybe it's because I am.

Comments (13)

You tell 'em SISTER!!

That's some BS. I *kind of* get the limited teams, but how did they come up with the teams that they did choose. You are right, other than Steelers and Cowboys and MAYBE Redskins, the list is suspect. I'd like to see what research they did on sales from curious.

While I'm happy my team is on the list, I have to say their choices are totally suspect. And, as you know I'm not a fan of your team, but totally feel they amongst others should have been on the list!
I'm not all that impressed with the reliability or the accessibility of Vickie's products anyway. As if you asked *tee hee hee* They need to revamp, make products that last and fit women with REAL Ta Ta's....

Come on VS... Really? When I seen you didn't have the Colts or the Saints I felt like I wasted my time looking at the apparel. You have apparel for more that 50 colleges and you can't come out with 32 NFL teams. Shame on you!! What a way to lose valuable customers!

Ummm...they should've produced these clothes in Bills and Ravens gear just to see you and Jos strut it out!


so i was trying to google why VS only came out with certain teams for their nfl line and wether or not they would be coming out with more teams in the future...and i came across your blog...and i am a HUGE ravens fan. i mean borderline insanely obsessed...and i totally support you. ....GO RAVENS! we're going to the superbowl!!

I too found this blog while trying to find out why they don't have all the teams. They did the same thing with their MLB line. As a Wisconsin girl I am pretty peeved that they don't have my Brewers OR my beloved Packers. :( Hopefully they add to the line? I went from being ecstatic about this line to pretty pissed off. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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Clearly they don't realize Tennesseans are crazy about football. Any football and would buy every store out of their merchandise. I looked all over for the Titans. Wack!

Their nfl line is sold like the colleges and universities line for PINK. Their online merchandise is geared towards the fan base. The online NFL teams have the largest nationwide fan base (Cowboys, Steelers etc). If you want a specific team you'll probably have to go to a store within that state or near the team's location (Baltimore for Ravens, Ind. for Colts, etc).

come on vickies.. ravens are where it's at.. totally disappointed.

Well, Victoria's Secret can't just sell and make money off of the NFL teams without giving a percentage of the sales to the NFL teams or first getting their permission. So maybe some of the teams disapproved of it, maybe because they wanted more money? I feel you though, it sucks! Some of the teams have more items than the others as well...WHACK!

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