Category: Detroit Lions win , NFL , NFL week 3 , Rodney Harrison , Terrell Owens , Tom Cruise
-The Cleveland Browns may be this year's Detroit Lions.. that is all
-The Redskins loss to Detroit means one thing... time to place bets on, when do you think Jim Zorn will be fired. So far, I lost. I said he wouldn't make it to the plane.
-Congrats to the Detroit Lions and their victory. That locker room speech by coach Jim Schwartz was emotional. And the fact that the team went back out and celebrated with the fans means something.
The city of Detroit deserved a win (something they haven't had in almost 2 years from the Lions) and finally got it. If I were a Lions fan, I probably would've cried. The nightmare is over guys... congrats!!!
*bonus* Why the hell was Tom Cruise there?????? Was he supposed to be the Lucky Leprechaun for the Redskins???
-Okay, is anyone in Baltimore in awe that Kyle Boller threw for 2 TDs and 0 INTs for the Rams????
-I have to hear about Favre for another week after yesterday's dramatic win over the 49ers. It was a great play, and the old Favre that I used to know and love came out yesterday. While Vikings fans are going bizerk about it, 9ers fans were livid. On twitter, my girl @ninerchick05 tweeted,
"that [loss] hurts so bad..I welling up with tears in my eyes and that has never happened to me before"
I felt her pain. I still do. But the 9ers looked good. They will rebound. Hold your head up, chica!!!
-Something isn't right with this Pats team. Although I picked them to win against the Falcons, they just aren't as dominant as the Pats of teams past. Is this the year we finally see the powers shift??? As The NFL Turns...........
-If you told me before the season started, that the Titans would be 0-3, I would have called you a liar... and then I would have had to apologize to you 3 weeks later.
- The Jets are for real. Sanchez is for real.
- Miami is not.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you, Cincy!! Aside from Favre's score, that TD at the end of the Bengals/Steelers was the highlight of my evening.

Yes, I know they are also division opponents, but that was a HUGE win. I always have a soft spot for Cincy because of Marvin Lewis, and I like Carson Palmer. To show they can compete against the world champs (and help me out in my football picks) was great, especially after a sucky first half!
-P.S.- my enthusiasm will change drastically in about 2 weeks,when we play them.
- Dear Seattle Seahawks. Please get rid of those Gawd awful green jerseys. It looks like a kindergartner designed it. Signed, a now blind NFL Chick!

- The Broncos are 3-0, and no one cares. But 3-0 is still 3-0, and people need to start paying attention. Their defense looks good, and they have Knowshon and Marshall/Royal on offense.
- JaMarcus Russell is a waste of good football space. All of that raw talent and can't do anything with it. The Raiders should be 3-0 easily. Sinking the ship over one guy is stupid. Trust me, Al Davis... we did that in Baltimore with Boller. Please don't do that to your team. Let Jeff Garc... oh I forgot, he got outta dodge already.
-Will Peyton Manning ever stop being good???? I want him to sit his azz down!
-Thank you, Tampa Bay, for making my sympathy pick look foolish. Never again!
-Why do people pick on T.O.? I thought that his reaction after Buffalo's loss to New Orleans was fine. He was clearly upset, but the media kept egging him on. T.O. kept his cool, tight lips and all, and made it clear he wasn't gonna feed into it.

Then here comes Rodney Harrison calling T.O. a clown (sorry, I giggled at that). Then T.O. went OFF on twitter by saying the following to Harrison:
"I could less about Rodney Harrison! Anybody tht using steroids, yes STEROIDS rodney, is a cheater & cheated the game!
"Is tht Y u used steroids b/c u were worried about ur stats or ws it b/c u were losing it? Lol! U're a loser & a cheater? Got any steroid ...
"Hey rodney! Send me sum steroids 2 the Bills facility next week!
"Since I kno the media reads my tweets, will sum1 ask rodney how long the cycles take b4 I feel results of the steroids whn he sends em? Lol!"
Damn T.O.! I know you were provoked, but over being called a clown? I could think of a million names that are worse than clown. And think to yourself, is Rodney Harrison even worth it??? His job on Football Night in America is to be Simon Cowell-esque and stir up things (which he does very well). You did nothing but add fuel to the fire. T.O., setting you off is too easy. I know it, fans know it and so does Rodney and you did exactly what we thought. Although I think you handled yourself very well during the post game press conference, you gotta pick your battles.