Rex Ryan, Sitcho Azz Down!

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Okay, I know I've already done a Sitcho Azz Down post for the week, but this one warrants another post. Rex Ryan, the lovable, hugable Jets coach (and former Ravens defensive coordinator) is a good guy. He's a good coach and I always wished him the best of luck in Gang Green Land. But sometimes Sexy Rexy doesn't know when to STFU.

Ravens S Ed Reed is currently rehabbing from hip surgery he had earlier in the year. While the Ravens are contemplating on whether or not they should place Reed on the Physically-Unable-To-Perform list (or known better as the PUP List), Ryan seems to have this notion that Reed will play. According to the Baltimore Sun, Rex explains why he thinks Reed will play in the Monday Night opener against the Jets. Here's a tidbit of what he said:

“Somebody asked me about Ed Reed saying, ‘You know Ed Reed hasn’t practiced,’” Ryan said.

I said, guys, Ed Reed will play this game. Now he might not play the second game, third game or fourth game, whatever, but Ed Reed is going to play this game. I think part of that is a respect thing. He knows how disappointed I would be if he didn’t play. I want to win the game, but I want to play against Ed. I want them at their best and I know they will be.”

Uhhhh... Earth To Rexy: Reed doesn't play for you. He plays for the Baltimore Ravens. Why would he care anymore if he disappoints YOU, and not his current head coach, John Harbaugh?
As far as the respect comment goes, respect shouldn't even be a factor if a player is coming off of surgery. This isn't an ankle sprain... this man was operated on! Reed needs to worry about the best interest of HIM as well as the team that pays him, not some former coordinator that's moved on and will become the enemy come September 13th.

I love Rex Ryan.. but Rex needs to sit his chunky azz down.

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Dang; first I had to defend Rex from Dungy, and now I gotta defend him from you, too?!?! Hahahahhaaha

Rex loves Reed; he just wants to beat Baltimore at their best, and without Reed, the Ravens aren't at their best.

Iono; Rex is slowly becoming one of my favorite coaches in sports, so I get a lil salty when folks rush him. With that said, ease up off him, and sit ya confrontational ass down! Hahahahahahahahaa

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