When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong- Kendall Langford's Edition

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Apparently, Miami Dolphins DE Kendall Langford has money to blow. Athletes have expensive jewelry, nice cars and a wardrobe most people probably dream of. It comes with part of being a baller, so you can afford to wear them and lose them as you please, right?!

Langford wore is 2.5 carat diamond studs to practice earlier this week. But one of the earrings fell out. And now Kendall- along with his teammates- are on a wild goose chase to find them.

The earrings are at an estimated value of $50,000. You read that right... if the numbers didn't get you, let me spell it out for you: FIDDY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!! He lost one, which means he lost $25,000!!

First off, why are you wearing Fiddy Thousand dollar earrings to practice? To a game? Hell, anywhere NEAR a football related event? Isn't that kind of bling good for extra curricular events, like clubs, events, etc? Of course, it's possible that he simply forgot that he still had them in, but for $50K, I'm gonna have a GPS on them and a voice messenger to remind me to take them off and put them away.

In light of this unfortunate situation, Chad Ochocinco tweeted a few words of encouragement to Langford:

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Maybe next time you'll take his advice and rock the Claire's studs during football activities. SMH.

When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong.

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